Monday 24 March 2014

Ep 10-March 2014 We are all loving South Park!

The Crazy Horse Cast get together once again to talk video games,our first birthday, Batman, flappy birds and more random craziness.

Monday 10 March 2014

EP 09 - January 2014 - Happy New Year!

Check this month's Podcast as Marty, Mike and Liam get together for the usual monthly talk about random gaming news reviews and nonsense aswell as what they got up-to over the Christmas and new year period (Hint they played games..)

EP08 - December 2013 - Can You Skin It?!!!

Mary,Tegs,Alex and Mike get together to talk XBOX ONE, PS4, their best and worst games and of course the question on everyone's mind can you skin it???

EP07 - October 2013 - Special Guest Adrian Killens Of The British IBM And Gimpy Software

Adrian Killens of the indie Band The British IBM and of Gimpy Software and Mike enjoy a game of Minecraft while they discuss the band, Luna Panda the latest title from Gimpy Software and  plenty of random video gaming stuff. Check it out!

EP06 - September 2013 - Busy Summer

Liam, Mike and Marty get back together again to talk video gaming and a certain popular game that has taken all by storm!

EP05 - August 2013 - Surprise Guest

The Crazy Horse Cast are joined by fellow gamer and founder of Destination Gamer Forum Batch for this months Podcast so more random nonsense is sure to ensue

EP 04 - August 2013 - Summer Slam Special

Liam and Marty get together to talk Summer Slam in this wrestling special podcast.

EP03 - July 2013 - It's Another Random Chat

The Crazy Horse gang get together once again for the monthly nonsense chat and we even discuss video gaming for a bit. 

EP02 - June 2013 - E3 and other random stuff

In the second Crazy Hore Cast Liam Mike and marty discuss what there thoughts were on E3 and get a little sidetracked with other stuff.

EP01 - May 2013 - The First Podcast Thingy

Crazy Horse Gaming's first podcast in which Liam and Mike talk video games and other random stuff.